Monday, September 27, 2010

I don't blog on the weekends, I do have a social life.

Apologies to those followers who thought I would remain sober enough Friday night to actually put up a blog post. It was a rather tough, yet interesting weekend.

My Weekend RADs 
(for those of you who dont know RADs= Random Annoyances of the Day.)
-That fucking Snuggie commercial that they sing to the tune of the fucking Macarena.
-Older brothers and how completely delusional their way of life is.
-People who think a 2 lane road is their own personal 1 lane traveling path.
-Credit card companies and their hidden fees.

Anyways, onto things I stumbled upon this weekend...

Many Americans are truly offended and appalled by the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which was basically put in place to supposedly protect the gays from being harassed by fellow servicemen so if they find out they give you the boot. If they are discovered they are then discharged from the military pending the outcome of the investigation brought against them. Here's my problem with this... being gay isn't illegal so why would you turn away someone that is sacrificing their life for their country? A life is a life no matter which way you look at it. It's absolutely disgusting to think that the military could turn away a potential soldier because of their sexual preferences or kick them out should they be "exposed." Lady Gaga is an advocate for the discharged soldiers and speaks often of how we should repeal DADT. I actually agree with her. Anyways, the real reason I brought this up is because I read an article over the weekend about a judge reinstating a discharged nurse from the Air Force, essentially creating a precedent to aid in getting DADT overturned. Margaret Witt joined the Air Force in 1987 and was suspended in 2004 and investigated for violating DADT. She was discharged in 2007 and fell just one year short of her full rights to a pension. She sued the Air Force and after about a two week trial, was eventually sided with by a federal judge and was reinstated to her position as a nurse for the United States Air Force. Hopefully the rest of the government will come to their senses and overturn the whole thing, and reinstate every person ever discharged for "violating DADT." Click here to read the article I stumbled upon with her story.

Anyways, on to something else I told you I would be keeping tabs on..

Dancing with the Z List Stars!

Sadly, The Hoff is no longer on the show for me to make fun of, but The Situation is. It is completely obvious that he was only asked to be on the show to try and corner some of the Jersey Shore viewers (like myself) into watching. However, he just doesn't have it in him to dance like a leading man and ends up looking like the bitch awkward. Anyways, there were no amazing performances tonight, considering they are all still works in progress. But I will say that Jennifer Grey's performance inspired me. Apparently she had already had a spot on DWTS but when she went to get a medical check to be cleared, she discovered she had cancer and had a plate and a few pins put into her spinal cord at the base of her neck right under the hairline. Crazy to think that a woman who can dance like that would have just went through such an ordeal! Not to  mention still having the balls to come back on the show! Kudos Jen, you made Patrick Swayze proud up there & also made me want to watch Dirty Dancing again. Other observations are Rick Fox & Kurt Warner are true athletes because they dance like they are actually dedicated to beating each other! Florence Henderson is the most mobile 76 year old that I've ever seen. Kyle Massey is pretty cool andd Margaret Cho should stick to comedy. Bristol Palin gave a good performance and her botoxed mother actually showed up this time. She gave some pretty bullshit comments about how proud she was and asked how to do the shimmy?! Like that bitch doesn't know! It was uber pathetic but again, she was almost a vice president so she's bound to be a real fuck up character!


Since I am a huge basketball fan, I had to check out the new show on VH1 about Denver Nugget (potentially soon to be New York Knick?) Carmelo Anthony and his wedding to MTV reality host Lala Vasquez. The show is called Lala's Full Court Wedding. I have to say, it'e pretty damn cute, and Melo & Lala throws down hundreds of thousands of dollars on their big day. I remember back a few months ago when the actual wedding took place, not a lot of pictures were posted because they were saving it for the show. It was huge, big name celebrities all went, hot ball players, the whole shabang! It's cool to see these extravagant wedding with good couples like Carmelo and Lala. They're good peoples. They also got VH1 its highest rating show in years very long time!


It basically all started today with Media Day. The team takes pictures and talks about the start of training camp. Because I clearly do not care about any other team except my beloved Boston Celtics, I will probably only bash on other teams from here on out. Unless something cool happens. So, with that said, the Celtics will hold their training camp at Salve Regina in Rhode Island.
Opening Night is t-minus 29 days away. Hold your breath folks, we're almost there.
Prediction: they do get back to the finals pending no unspeakable mishaps.Good Luck Boys.... Here we go!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Today, My School Texted Me & Told Me Not To Come. 9/23/10

The title of this post seems surreal right? No fucking joke, it happened. Which was FANTASICAL considering I didn't get much sleep the night before, I was not in the mood to deal with quadratic equations. But, God liked us today, and gave the school a campus-wide power outage, cancelling all day classes. I woke up at 9:05 to my alarm, only to check my smartphone and see a lovely text message saying "Be advised - MCC Bedford day classes have been cancelled today 9/23/10 due to a power outage." ding. WINNER! No school today. Extra 2.5 hours sleep. So basically, today my school texted me and told me not to come. What a way to start the day.

Anyways, since I didn't have school, 
I decided to go to work instead. 
Which leads me to...

Todays RAD:


Normally, I'm anti-violence, when violence can be avoided, however, some people push the limits and really deserve a good backhand as a social wake up call. My job is pretty laid back for the most part, I like my boss and the people I work with in the afternoons, HOWEVER, there is this woman, who works in the morning and she is the NOSIEST woman I have ever met in my life. I mean really, cubicles do nothing to this woman in terms of privacy. One time, I started to get a cough, because I was getting sick. Bitch took a bottle of Lysol and sprayed it over the top of the cubicle and literally drowned me in it. I was ready to choke her enraged. I waited until the next time I heard her sneeze and unloaded my own can of Lysol on her side of the wall. But really, every conversation I have with my boss, from over the cubicle, "thar she frickin BLOWS" with opinions that are completely off topic, completely unneccessary, or just plain rude! She just thinks she has a solution to everything, but I don't need/want/or value her opinion. & the voice, the VOICE. It's like a mixture of nails on a chalkboard and a broken speaker. I mean really, the lady is eccentric, a ginger, and if you saw her or spoke to her for 5 minutes, you'd feel my pain. Oh, and she lives in my neighborhood 90 seconds away. However I won't be mentioning to her that she has inspired today's Random Annoyance of the Day. 

moving onto topics of the day...

I have to do it, because I saw it, and now I'm dying to comment on it.

Justin Bieber's Acting Debut on CSI

The Biebs had his tv acting debut on CSI tonight, and I have to say, he sounds like he is right smack in the middle of puberty. He kind of sounds like he forces himself to talk because he's so used to belting out his songs every night on tour.  I remember when he was shooting this episode a few months ago and he tweeted about shooting the scenes during a short break from his tour. He is only on screen for a total of 6 minutes out of a 60 minute episode. This kid is known to incite a riot and with 6 minutes of him, I'm sure teen girls everywhere feel effin gypped. Justin plays Jason, the brother of a kid who is seriously disturbed and likes to play with explosives. His brother blows shit up at a police officers funeral with the use of Biebs' model airplane. He later on rats his brother out to the lead investigator. I wasn't all that impressed with it, I wanted him to be the bad kid, not the little brother of the bad kid. Wtf Biebs? Next project please.

& now onto other things awkward

Katy Perry recently made a skit that leaked online for Sesame Street with our beloved Elmo in which she basically remixed a kid friendly version of her hit song "Hot & Cold." Instantly, parents sent in letters to complain about the low cut skirt and the the fact that her cleavage was very exposed. Granted she had a tan mesh colored fabric all the way to her neck, but still for children, so I can understand why it is pissing off the parents.
Truthfully, this could go both ways, if she had been wearing a respectable outfit, it wouldn’t have been a bother, it would have been cute. Like those "Kidz Bop" CDs except with the real singer. Sucks for Katy tho, maybe she can shoot a clip with a bra on better clothing choices.
Sesame Street has since yanked the skit from its upcoming 41st season.
Also, another remix/parody that is causing up trouble for Sesame Street is a parody of True Blood entitled "True Mud." The parody of true blood is kind of ridiculous, they talk about "mud baths" and refer to the man in the restaurant as a "grouch" aka a vampire, because he requested (flipped the fuck out about) wanting his true mud. Wicked corny, and I would have changed the channel with that garbage on at 5. It wasn't even funny, click here to judge for yourself.

& now onto discussing "Jersday"

"Jersday" came to be a new term invented by the former poof queen herself, Snooki. She tweeted this brilliant idea about how since Thursday is Jersey Shore night, we should all call it Jersday. Yeah good one Snooks

A few things I'd like to bring up about tonights episode..
  • Did Ronnie REALLY just re-gift Sammi the same flowers meant for the evil Ramona? Tool.
  • Angelina is so weird, she is straight up refusing to have sex with this kid and he is like a decent human being. I feel bad for him. But she is also a WHORE since she made up a complete lie about banging him so that she would be up on the Smush Scoreboard. FYI: Her score is really at 1. Pathetic for a guidette, Snooks is at atleast 3 or 4.
  • Snooki: "Angelina got it in with Vinny, cuz she's a loosy goose." referring to the time she hooked up with Vinny, and apparently she couldn’t handle Vin's shlong, but Angelina was loosened up enough for him to get it in. Good for you Vinny. Hahahaha!
  • I like how Jwoww and her man fight within 10 minutes of his arrival. Dump the Chump Jenni!
  • The T-Shirt Time Song. Pauly can we get a fist pumping remix version? LMAO.
  • I love that Pauly found a decent girl, too bad for her I don't think he will settle down.
  • Grenade Grundel Choads are now GGC's.
  • The chick leaving the note on the door was hilarious, damn can you say desperate??
  • Mike calling out Angelina for leaving a pad on the bathroom floor was even better.
  • Nah, scratch that Mike putting the dirty tampon under her pillow was the best part.

HOWEVER. I cannot give Jersey Shore any praise tonight, I was promised a fight between Angelina and Snooks and I got 5 seconds of one. I HATE how they advertise something awesome, and then make you wait another week to see all of it. Lame!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Current Events (not like the ones from middle school) 9/22/10

Earlier this week, one of my favorite men in the world decided to go on the Oprah show to promote his new book and well, just shake things up for her a bit. He even walked on set with a suitcase asking Oprah where she was going to take him next. Jon is also promoting "The Rally to Restore Sanity" and if I wasn't living in Boston, and was closer to D.C., I'd so be there. The Rally to Restore Sanity will be held at the National Mall in D.C. on October 30, 2010. When asked about the reasons for holding a rally, Jon was right on the money in his answer:

"I do feel like 70 to 80 % of people in this country are reasonable, nice individuals, they may disagree on principles but could come up with rational compromises and live with the results...The other 15-20% run the place... So that’s the issue, people are busy, they don’t have the time to take sides…"
"Crazy gets on television but normal has to make dinner, we want to have a rally to say its not the silent majority it’s the busy majority…"crazy is the problem, & you can't legislate crazy."

Brilliance. Sheer Brilliance. Oprah tied it together for him by saying "so that’s why you're doing the rally to restore sanity!" Thanks Captain Obvious! Also, because it made me giggle, Oprah also asked Jon about recent headlines, including the man in Florida who wanted to set the Quran on fire on September 11th. His response?
"if God didn’t want us to burn holy books, would he have made them so tantalizingly flammable?"

I think I'm in love with Jon Stewart.

Anyways, moving on.

Another topic that I was asked to weigh in on today was what I thought about last nights episode of MTV's Teen Mom. The show is a spin off of 16 & Pregnant, following four mothers that got the most hype from viewers. Now, honestly, this show has gotten a LOT of hype. Maybe even a little too much. At the grocery store last week I saw.. not one, not two, but THREE of the four teen mothers on the covers of magazines on the bookshelf. Farrah, Maci & Catelynn all snagged the covers of tabloids such as OK! Magazine, Us Weekly, and Star Magazine. It seems a little ridiculous that millions of other teen mothers go through the same struggles these girls do everyday, and they don't get money for famewhoring it. I also have to wonder what exactly the message is that MTV is trying to relay now with the development of this show. We've seen that Catelynn's mother is an alcoholic and she was 100% correct to have given her baby up for adoption. We have learned that Amber is an abusive spouse, an unfit parent, and addicted to her prescription medications. We've seen that Farrah is a girl who should not be alone with a child, yet is anyways, and she lets people film it. Does Child Protective Services even watch these shows? They should. Poor kids. They're going to be so screwed up later on in life. With the exception of Maci, she is the only mother whose only dramas were that of a dead beat father, and again, girls around the world deal with them everyday, but still, compared to the other idiots, Maci is a dedicated Teen Mom and a good example of what should be done when you have a child young. You drop the party girl attitude and turn into a caretaker. Well done, Maci.

Speaking of Star Magazine...
they are about to have some legal troubles on their hands. Apparently Ashton Kutcher has already taken legal actions after a few weeks ago, Star reported on September 1st that Ashton was seen at a restaurant in LA with some chick pinned against the wall with his tongue down her throat. Because most hollywood husbands cheat on their wives in public, right? Anyways, two weeks later, yet another report came out of Ashton cheating, this time at his own home with some girl named Brittany, who could even describe the color of the couch in the Kutcher's living room. Tsk Tsk Ashton. Now another week later, a cover has hit stands reporting that Star Magazine has now obtained copies of text messages that Ashton sent to this Brittany woman. I think these allegations are exaggerated and probably false to some extent. However, if a tabloid is actually reporting the truth. I'll be shocked! SHOCKED! Also, to Ashton, if this is true... you are screwed unless you signed a prenup with Demi. Either way, I'm available. good luck in the divorce lawsuit or the media one!

moving on again... 

 Today's RAD is:
Road Rage
You all can't say that you haven't had it at one point.
I happen to deal with it everyday. I would like to officially rename road rage to "defensive driving" because people have miraculous tendencies to irritate the shit out of me while I drive. Examples:
  • not seeing you when trying to enter your lane on the highway.
  • staying stopped for longer than 10 seconds after the light is green
  • thinking they have time to pull out and go when, they don't.

& 90% of drivers do one or the other everyday.

Not gonna go all Oprah and tell you to make a pledge here, but I am going to tell you to KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF. We've lost too many loved ones to car accidents already. Lets try to decrease that number.
(Props to Charli Seidman for giving me the idea for todays RAD)

Current Events & Introduction to RAD's. 9/21/10

Hoff's "Sex Bomb" DWTS Dance Blew Up in His Face.

So I'm just going to assume you all know that around 9:55PM EST, David Hasselhoff was the first celebrity to get the boot from America on DWTS Season 11. He took the news gracefully and yet, I couldn't help but notice the somewhat sigh of relief over his face. One of his untalented daughters revealed to the audience that her father was having issues with his knees stability, which I think showed in his first performance on Monday nights premiere. My mother is highly upset about this but I say good riddance Peace out Hoff! Stay tuned for updated information on DWTS, as it has become a random obsession of mine.

and now...
Your Introduction to RAD'S.
which I like to call:
andom Annoyance of the Day.
Because we all have them.
So forwarning you all now that I will have
RAD alerts & sidenotes throughout this blog.

Today's RADS:
  • elderly people driving on the highway in traffic
  • Dunkin Donuts making a massacre out of my
    morning iced beverage. fuckers.
  • Teachers keeping you an extra ten minutes
    in class for no reason other than to hear herself speak.
  • Lindsay Lohan and her clogging up my information superhighway for failing not ONE but TWO mandatory drug tests for cocaine and amphetamines. Dumb ass!

    & Now onto better things I learned today...

    click on the above statement to find out why.

    According to gossip blogger Perez Hilton's report, Nick Cannon decided to have a tantrum over the latest beef he has with his hoe of a wife's alleged ex-lover, Marshall Mathers aka Eminem. Mariah & Em aka the two "alleged" ex's have been at this for a while now, back and forth with songs that diss each other. But no one cares about that. I brought up this story because apparently Mr. Teen Nick let it slip on air on his radio show today that he would "slap Eminem in the face when he runs into him." Cuz that will happen right?

    If you actually took two seconds to listen to Nick's remix version of "Teach me how to Dougie" by the CaliSwag District, you could see this man has no talent. He hosts lame reality TV shows and owns the Teen Nick channel on my comcast box. I feel like once Em gets wind of Nick trying to beat him at his own game with whack ass remixes, and then giving out an on air threat.
    Shit is going down. Eminem may be getting older, but he can still rip anybody apart lyrically. If an actual fight broke out, I'd also feel bad for Nick Cannon. Stick to the tv channel honey, you may be biting off more than you can chew.

I'd also like to add that if you have any topics or questions you would like me to research and/or give the low down on,  get at me on twitter @celtics1girl or if you are a facebook friend, send me a message! * thanks!

Sidenotes 9/21:
-the NCIS season premiere this evening was fanfuckingtasic! Can't wait til next week.
-there is only 1 month and 5 days until the Celtics home opener at the Garden! Sweet!

Anyways, nothing else really sparked my interest today, but I'm sure if something does, I'll be back here writing about it. Thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Current Events 9/20/10

Well, what is there to really say about the worlds' current events? Ha! A lot apparently. But since this is a new blog and I don't wish to back date to shit you already know about, lets start with some things I learned of today. 

Lady Gaga was in Portland, Maine today to discuss the necessity to repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. I have to say, as crazy as she is, her enthusiasm for this is admirable. She referred to equality for all as "the prime rib of what we stand for as a nation." However, as admirable as she is, the meat obsession freaks me out is a little odd.

Dancing with the Stars returned to ABC tonight for what seems could be the longest season ever their highest rated season, thanks to youthful celebrity participants such as reality stars Audrina Patridge and Michael "The Situation" Sorrentino. For the old timers, I'm sure Michael Bolton, Florence Henderson and the Hoff probably sparked interest. For those of you who watched DWTS tonight like I did (it was my first time, don't judge me) you are probably thinking the same thing I am: "why the hell did I just spend two hours watching that?" Well, here's the answer: it was almost enjoyable to watch all the popular contestants actually suck at this. I will give props to Audrina, Brandy, Jennifer Grey and even Bristol Palin (sidenote: wow is she going to piss off her mother) for even going on this show with a somewhat ability to dance. The award for the one contestant that shocked viewers & judges the most however, goes to Disney channel sitcom veteran Kyle Massey. He totally disproves the statement that fat guys can't get down on the dance floor. The Situation found himself in yet another bad situation because he was horribly unprepared having only 5 days to practice compared to other contestants having 3 weeks. No excuses Sitch, get that ass in gear. However as I was watching him dance, all I could think of was how eventually I'm going to see a video of Sitch bragging about the fact that he smushed Karina Smirnoff. ANYWAYS as for the Hoff, he is also terrible at this, and his song choice of "sex bomb" was perfect, it blew up in his face.

Back to this whole Jersey Shore topic btw, I read something about the fact that Jersey Shore star Jenni "JWOWW" Farley is going to be slutting up posing for Playboy in an upcoming issue. Big surprise there. Who is next? Snooks? Sammi? Angelina? Who am I kidding? They'd all do it for the $. Also: I have learned the female version of GTL today to be "Gym. Tan. Lingerie." Clever ladies ehh? Not.

Last but not least, the President made headlines today in Pennsylvania for speaking at a campaign event for Sen. Joe Sestak whoever that is. He weighed in on the economy and our goals as a nation, and basically all those things he promised he could change but now he can't. Here's an exerpt from his bullshit speech today:

"Step by step, what we've tried to do is to, even as we were dealing with the immediate crisis, look at not the next election but look at the next generation, and say to ourselves, what’s really going to make a difference in terms of growing a middle class that is the backbone, that is the beating heart of our economy, and giving access to people so that if they work hard they know that they can find a job that pays a living wage, and they know that they won't be bankrupt because they get sick, and they can send their children to college to aspire to something even greater than they achieved, and that they can retire with dignity and respect."

So basically what we've learned here is, life with this economy sucks, and that won't be changing for a very long time. Expect your great grandchildren to have a better crack at it as long as they don't have to deal with incompetent idiots Georgie Bush or Barack Osama Obama as the leader of the nation. 

The Real Reason You People Read Blogs

After years of reading up and absorbing information and opinions on the web, it has come to my attention the real reason so many people out there read blogs: real life is boring, and the people who write about it make it sound interesting. That sounds reasonable enough right? Well I got sick of listening to retards peoples' whack ass view of life opinions and only be a comment underneath, so I have started my own blog. Welcome to it, wish me luck, here I go...