Alright people, time to get a few things out that have been wicked bugging me this past week. We can call them today's RADs but they should really be my RAWs (Random Annoyances of the Week)
Lets begin shall we?
For starters, facebook has gotten to a point of complete and total creepiness splashed with a bit of lame. The girls are straight slutty, the guys either don't post a thing, or post their every feeling, and the amount of CREEPERS that friend request me has gotten completely ridic in the last few months. Then, there are the guys who you are not sure if they are gay or straight because they act like girls on facebook 24/7 with the emo statuses and shit. I put up lyrics every few days and then change them for the most part incase something exciting happens then I'll post details. Too many times did someone say to me "Oh I knew you were there, I saw it on facebook." Oh hell no, no more creepers allowed. I can see randomly catching up with someone you haven't spoken to in awhile, that was the point of why facebook was made, but poking and messaging and creeping on random people? Ugh. The deactivate button is becoming increasingly more tempting.
Drunk friends are also becoming an extreme annoyance of mine. Like really, (and no lie, this is no one specific, this truly is worldy advice) I'm so sick of watching people get sloshed at a party or the bar and drive themselves and their friends home. I was almost killed by a drunk driver in 2008 and it was my "best friend" at the time. I do not understand how it is worth it for you guys to go out and get blackout drunk, do a bunch of drugs, and then drive home. I see it all the time, every weekend and it's not even just certain people who are regular boozebags, its like an epidemic around here now. I had to learn the hard way and got lucky nothing happened, my fear is that someone else will learn the hard way and not be so lucky. My advice to these people? Quit drinking and grow the fuck up before its too late, this is Boston, not New Jersey.
Now onto other news & updates.
She is "Done Snookin" For Now
I regret to inform you that Snookin for Love is no longer going to happen. Whoever reported it from InTouch Weekly not so long ago is probably fired by now. I realized that I had misinformed you all when I saw Snooks herself tweet this little gem earlier today:
"Let's clear this up kids, I did not get my own dating show. And plus, I gotta man, I don't need anybody else :)"
That is all well and good Nicole, but chances are this dude will be gone within a month and then you will need your own dating show anyways, so you might as well save yourself some time, dump the chump and do it for the $$$$!!
moving on...
DWTS Update
Who Got the Boot?
She did. Margaret Cho and her partner, Louie Van Amstel were the 3rd couple to be eliminated from the competition on DWTS this past Tuesday. Since the Patriots played on Monday night, DWTS wasn't aired on the East coast until 1:35 in the morning (that was lame btw.) My insomnia made me stay up to watch it, but again, I wasn't very impressed. Yet I still watch it every week just to see if I will be inspired! There are a few good dancers as far as celebs go, but most of them suck. Especially The Situation...
Speaking of situations...
Mike "Sitch" has definitely found himself in a public pickle! Not sure about the rest of you, but I think he has been acting like a complete choad on the last few episodes of JS. He even went so far as to slap Snooks in the mouth for no reason because he wanted to go home. Now this is the same girl that got punched (like seriously decked) in the mouth by a dude on season 1 of Jersey Shore because Sitch kept feeding the dude and his friends shots of free booze. Not only that, but Sitch is just proving to the world how big of a creep he is. I get that you make a lot of money and all this shit dude, but act like a human being, not a one man STD factory. Hmmm... I wonder since they make him look like such a dick on Jersey Shore if that actually gets him voted off DWTS considering he is TERRIBLE anyways. Oh wait, no it wont. They need the ratings.
Aside from the fact that Amber Portwood from MTVs Teen Mom is still being investigated for that crazy scene from a few weeks back in which she beat the shit out of got into a physical altercation with her linebacker boyfriend, Gary, I also read headlines this week about that guy Chris she went out on a date with on the show. Apparently he was a registered sex offender in the state of Indiana. BUT DON'T WORRY BECAUSE SUPPOSEDLY IT WASN'T THE SAME GUY?! The real sex offenders most recent exgirlfriend went to all the tabloids and told them all that it was not her ex man on that show and it must be someone else with the same name. She mentioned a difference in the tattoos on the arm, and she also said that her registered sex offender ex-man was home with her kids when the show was being filmed, so it can't be him. What a great trade-off?
The Challenge has returned to MTV and I am once again NOT impressed. No Wes. No Kenny. No Evan. Plus, now I have to look at Melinda (Real World: Austin) who also happens to be my neighbor Danny Jamieson's soon to be ex wife. They met on the show, got married and now are in divorce proceedings if they haven't been finished already. So basically... the show is pretty lame. Granted, this challenge DOES look more gruesome than the other ones. Granted, I am excited that CT comes back and hopefully, this will be a somewhat decent season. We'll see, I'll keep you posted..
Nice bow tie Shamroq |
The Celtics have started their preseason off with a bang remaining undefeated so far in 3 out of the 8 preseason games. The starting unit looks good and I personally kind of love that Shaq is on our side now. I feel as though its better for other point guards to be running into the Wall of Steel instead of Rondo running into him. The BBM aka the Boston Bench Mob has proved that they can hold down the floor and finish out games strong. I love the solid contributions from almost every player and to all the people looking at Miami and LA to 3peat and all that shit. I have 8 simple words for you: Watch the fuck out. They're coming for you.
until next time.. xo
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